Thursday, September 15, 2011

Autumn is Coming

My favorite season of the year will be arriving in almost a week. Autumn is just such a cool and beautiful season. Here in New England it gets even more amplified, with the crisp air, the sound of the geese migrating, and the stunning rays of light from the lights on the football field across from my house (I hate football otherwise).
   From the aesthetic point of view, autumn may not actually be the most beautiful season. For some it just may mean the signs of winter coming where everything looks dead. Not to me, though. I just love autumn - and even winter -  for also the weather. I'd much rather have 15 or 20 degree weather, than 70 degree weather.
  There's also the factor when it comes to sports. Baseball is one of my passions, so when the postseason arrives and I see my team (the Yankees) go play meaningful baseball, it's just so refreshing. After all, those hyped up FOX/ESPN games against the Red Sox, I can watch baseball that is of actual importance.

So Why Blog?

The reason why I started this blog is, because I was bored. I don't know how long or how much I will even write on this blog. Maybe a couple of posts or possibly a couple hundred? A thousand? I don't know, that's why I want to try. For me being bored is because of just how much crap there is on the Internet. The sites that I visit daily are pretty much all related to baseball, so all the time I spend on the Internet is going back and forth with those sites. Trying to find new and interesting sites can be so tough it seems. Overall, my life on the Internet doesn't sound too fun, eh? Really, this adventure into blogging is just due to my wanting to write a little bit more and because I just don't have anything else to do in my free time (though that does vary).
   I plan to hopefully write about film, books, education, philosophy and maybe some other things. I guess, we'll see how it goes?